Rockplan has extensive experience in water supply projects – both in new underground wastewater treatment plants and in the expansion of existing treatment plants.
The excavation of Tampere’s Sulkavuori central wastewater treatment plant are, for the first time ever, using the EMO environmental monitoring system developed by Kalliotekniikka Consulting Engineers Oy. Through the EMO, area residents receive information about the progress and routes of excavation, among other things.
Rockplan is responsible for the design of the sewage tunnels for the new wastewater treatment plant in Blominmäki, Espoo, and for the Suomenoja acceleration and discharge pumping station.
In Rockplan’s experience, in addition to conventional rock construction, treatment plants within rock require special solutions that are an integral part of the plant design. Rockplan’s water supply reference sites cover almost all of the underground treatment plants implemented in Finland.